Many will never deal with their outfit as if it is apart of our lives that deserves a little more attention. They will buy a polo shirt with bold logo, and one extravagant Replay shoe and life goes on.
Someone, however realize sooner or later that outfit is something important. When it makes up80% of your image (even it terms of surface…) it can’t be. Then, some decide to absorb this part.
The style should be personal. To acquire one’s absolutely personal style, must first learn the principles of beautiful, timeless dressing. And i think that the most basic principle that leads you to this goal is simplicity.
That’s why you start making the white canvas of your outfit with simplicity, following the rules that others learned, making mistakes, before you.
You start with simple steps, wearing a blue shirt in the right size. Later you learn to wear a shoe better than your rotten athletic one. You follow the rules to combine them with a pair of trousers that may not be jeans, that will surely be in the right size.
And the funny thing is that by following the classic rules of male dressing, you will end up being the one who will differ, the one who will blast having returned to basics.
Over time, learning to use the countless variables of male dressing, you will begin to see the whole and not the detail and there you will spontaneously begin to project your difference with small detours from the normal one.
In the end, beauty lies in the simple things.
1)Fit is everything
The most important aesthetic improvement you can achieve is to take care of the fit of clothes on you. Most men wear clothes that fall wide on them. Make sure that almost all your clothes embrace the shape of your body – but they are not completely fit. Poor fit of clothes is like a disease, treat it!

2)Keep it Simple
What you need is a wardrobe that is made for you and fits perfectly. However, you don’t have to overdo it. Do not wear more than 3 jewellery or more than 3 colors at once. Don’t dress like a singer if you’re not. If you want to impress, a simpler but stylish look is to combine a black striped shirt with a white or black jacket, a dark jeans and a pair of good shoes. You can also add a good watch (the most important accessory of a man) maybe something discreet on the neck.
3)See the comfortable outfit in different wayτι
Comfortable dressing is not by definition boring. Have fun and experiment with colors and fabrics or be inspired by those who approach their everyday look in a more unsual way.

4)Pay attention to the way your clothes tie together
Some sweaters are narrow while others are wide and comfortable. The rule of thumb dictates that the top and bottom must match. If you’re wearing a wide, bulky and old sweater, the bottom of your outfit should be of matching style. Do not combine a wide woolen sweater with a woolen silk suit pants. Instead, you can combine your sweater with something comfortable like a baggy pair of pants or jeans, or you can upgrade it with a tweed jacket.
5)Never go shopping alone
It is better to shop together with someonw who trust.
6)Dare to go a ster further
Don’t overdo it and make yourself look ridiculous – just dare to take some risks. It’s better to be a little more formal than to be sloppy in any occasion. All you need to do is think about where you’re going to go and who you’re going to be with, and then make sure your outfit is a little bit out of the ordinary.

7)Never underestimate the details
The last thing you’ll throw at you is usually the first thing that those around you will notice. Therefore, pay special attention to the details of your appearance. Don’t accidentally combine the main clothes of your skin with accessories. In the dress details you can include a scarf, a discreet pocket wipe or the knot of your tie.
8)Invest in a pair of a fabulous shoes
If there’s one thing women look at in a man, then it’s definitely his shoes. Mostly how clean and polished they are. Most men defiantly neglect the appearance of their shoes, considering that clean and ironed clothes are enough to look well-dressed. Show your good taste with a pair of nice shoes that you will always keep in perfect condition.

9) Trendy T-shirts with logos, embroidery, stones and rhinestones
Stylistic slap. By walking around with a huge logo on your T-shirt, you risk looking like a mobile ad – the same goes for the blatant brands. Prefer the classic cotton t-shirts or try an intellectual stamp.

10)Despise fashions
Do not buy something just because it is fashionable – prefer the ones you really like. Most men buy the latest fashion or what they think is the latest fashion. The bottom line is that they end up with a bunch of clothes that they don’t wear in the end. The best strategy is to first acquire a flexible and timeless wardrobe that you can then intersess it with a few and exquisite modern pieces. This advice will save you a lot of expenses.
11)Do not fill into the trap of the band
Before you buy a garment, ask yourself if you are actually buying it because you need it and why it flatters you or simply because of its brand. What counts is the quality and style of the garment, not the logo it carries on it.

12)Spend time on your image
Cultivate your esthetic and your self-image. Your look is your most direct way of communicating with others and you should care about
it as much as your education, career or social relationships. Esquire magazine’s legendary fashion editor, Oscar Schoffler, once said:«
We should never underestimate the power of our attire. After all, only a tiny part of ourselves emerges from the collar and cuffs. The others mainly see the costume on our bodies»

13)Ask for the opinion of those around you
Most friends and relatives will not be ashamed to tell you what flatters you and what does not. You only have to ask them to. Or better yet, ask for the honest opinion of anyone you trust: your barber, your best friend or your mother’s.
14)Treat your beard
Even if you do it famously with your dress choices, an unkempt face can ruin your look. Achieve the perfect shave with a natural coat brush and a traditional blade.

15)Experimwnt with style
The only way to learn is to constantly try new things. You need to escape every now and then from the safety of sure choices. You will happen to love things that you didn’t even imagine you would wear one day. Mistakes are of course an inescapable part of these tests. But don’t be afraid – most men refuse to express themselves freely in their outfits out of fear alone.